Home » Is Mobifriends the Right Place To Search For Your Perfect Match?

Is Mobifriends the Right Place To Search For Your Perfect Match?

Are you looking for love? Or just a little bit of fun? Maybe Mobifriends is the perfect place to start! This review will give you an inside look at what this dating site has to offer. We’ll take a deep dive into its features, pros and cons, so you can decide if it’s right for your needs. So buckle up – let’s get started!


Mobifriends is like a middle-of-the road dating site. It’s not the best, but it’ll do in a pinch. The interface isn’t super intuitive and you have to pay for some features, but hey – at least there are plenty of people on here! Plus I’ve had some luck with meeting interesting folks from all over the world who share my interests. All in all, Mobifriends may not be your first choice if you’re looking for love online – but it ain’t half bad either!

Mobifriends in 10 seconds

  • Mobifriends is a dating site that helps people find compatible matches.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect users with potential partners.
  • Mobifriends offers different pricing options, ranging from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at €9.99 per month and go up to €19.99 per month.
  • Mobifriends has an app available for both Android and iOS devices.
  • The pricing of Mobifriends is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • Mobifriends provides users with high levels of privacy and security.
  • It also has a feature called “Live Chat” which allows users to chat in real-time.
  • Users can also create their own private groups to meet new people.
  • Mobifriends also offers a “VIP” service which gives users access to exclusive features.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Great for finding people with similar interests
  • Lots of active users from all over the world
  • Limited search filters make it difficult to find compatible matches.
  • Fewer users compared to other dating sites, so the pool of potential dates is smaller.
  • Unclear safety measures in place for protecting user data and privacy.

How we reviewed Mobifriends

As an online dating expert, I take reviewing sites like Mobifriends seriously. My team and I tested both the free and paid versions of this site to get a comprehensive overview. We spent days sending messages to other users – over 500 in total! To ensure we had all angles covered, we also took time exploring features such as chatrooms, search filters, profile creation options etc., so that our readers can make informed decisions about using Mobifriends for their own needs.

We even went above and beyond by creating separate accounts on different devices (mobile & desktop) so that we could experience what it’s really like when you’re signing up from either platform. This level of commitment is something many review sites don’t offer but at Online Dating Expertise it’s part of our mission statement: giving unbiased reviews based on thorough testing methods!

Help & Support

As an online dating expert, I’ve had the chance to review Mobifriends. Overall, it’s not a bad site but there are definitely better ones out there. One thing that sets Mobifriends apart is their support system – or lack thereof!

If you’re looking for help from this platform, you’ll be disappointed to know that they don’t have any customer service representatives available on call and no live chat feature either. The only way of getting in touch with them is by sending an email – which can take days before receiving a response (I tried contacting them twice and waited over 48 hours each time). That said; if your issue isn’t urgent then maybe waiting won’t bother you too much?

They do however offer some helpful FAQ pages where users can find answers about common topics such as creating profiles or using certain features on the website. This could come in handy if all else fails since these questions will most likely already have been answered here so at least it saves time having to wait around for replies via email! But let’s face it: nothing beats speaking directly with someone who knows what they’re talking about when trying to solve problems quickly and efficiently…which unfortunately doesn’t happen here…unfortunately being the keyword!

Overall though my experience wasn’t terrible while reviewing Mobifriends’ support system; just mediocre really – like many other aspects of this particular dating site actually.. So yeah sure give ’em a try if ya want but keep yer expectations low otherwise ye might end up feeling pretty blue afterwards..

Mobifriends features

Mobifriends is an okay dating site, but it’s definitely not the cream of the crop. It has some good features and a few unique ones that make it worth checking out if you’re looking for love online.

The best thing about Mobifriends is that its free to use! You can create your profile without spending any money, which makes this a great option for those on tight budgets who still want to try their luck at finding someone special. Of course, there are also paid options available as well with more advanced features like unlimited messaging and access to exclusive events or discounts on services like travel or entertainment packages.

One of Mobifriends’ standout features is its ‘encounters game’. This allows users to quickly browse through potential matches by swiping left (for no) or right (for yes). If two people both swipe right then they’ll be matched up – simple yet effective! Another cool feature offered by Mobifriends is video chat; allowing users from all over the world get connected in real-time without having ever met face-to-face before – pretty nifty stuff indeed!

Overall I’d say Mobifirends isn’t bad but there are better sites out there if you’re serious about finding love online – so shop around first before committing yourself too deeply into one platform alone! That said though, with its free membership option plus some fun extras thrown in here and there – why not give it a shot? Who knows what might happen…

  • Ability to search for potential matches by location, age, and interests.
  • Private messaging system to connect with other users.
  • Ability to create a profile and upload photos.
  • Ability to add friends and send virtual gifts.
  • Matchmaking algorithms to suggest compatible partners.

Design & Usability

Mobifriends is an okay dating site, but it’s not the best one out there. The design and usability of Mobifriends could use some improvement. It looks a bit dated with its bright colors and cartoonish icons, which might turn off potential users who are looking for something more modern-looking.

The navigation isn’t too bad; you can easily find what you’re looking for on the home page without having to search around too much. But if you want to access any advanced features or customize your profile in any way, then things get tricky fast – especially if you don’t have a paid subscription yet! That said, I think they should make these extra features easier to find even when using the free version of Mobifriends so that people know exactly what they’re getting into before signing up for a premium account.

When it comes down to usability though, Mobifriends does alright – nothing spectacular but also nothing terrible either (unless we’re talking about their mobile app). There aren’t many bells and whistles here: just basic messaging functions like sending text messages or making video calls with other members – no swiping left/right stuff here folks! You do get better UI improvements as part of your paid subscription though so keep that in mind if aesthetics are important to ya’.

Overall I’d say MobiFriends is decent enough when compared against other online dating sites out there today – certainly worth checking out at least once anyway! Just be aware that this isn’t going blow anyone away by how good it looks nor will everyone love all its quirks…but hey maybe those flaws will grow on ya’ eventually?

Signing up

If you’re looking for a dating site, Mobifriends is worth checking out. It’s got an easy registration process that won’t take up too much of your time. You’ll need to be at least 18 years old to join the fun, but once you meet that requirement it’s free and clear sailing from there! First off, head over to their website and click on "Register". This will bring up a page with all the necessary information they require in order for you to create an account – nothing too complicated or intrusive. Enter in some basic info like your name (first and last), gender identity/sexual orientation, email address etc., then move onto creating a username & password combo so only YOU can access this account later down the line if needed. Once those are set-up hit submit! Easy peasy lemon squeezy right? You’ll also have the option of adding more personal details about yourself such as age range preference(s) when it comes to potential matches; what kind of relationship(s)you’re interested in pursuing; physical characteristics including height/weight measurements; religious beliefs (or lack thereof); hobbies & interests…the list goes on really – whatever floats your boat basically! The best part is that none of these extra tidbits are mandatory though so feel free no matter how many questions they throw at ya’.

After submitting everything just wait patiently while Mobifriends verifies all yer’ data before granting full access into their world o’ love ‘n romance ;). If approved within minutes after signing up – congrats pal’, now get ready ta mingle n’ start finding new connections near ‘n far who share similar values ‘n goals as yours…go forth my friend!!

  • These are the requirements to register on Mobifriends:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location
  • Your interests and hobbies


When it comes to Mobifriends, you get what you pay for. The website is free but if you want access to all the features then a paid subscription may be worth considering. It’s not overly expensive and offers some great benefits such as unlimited messaging, profile visibility boosts and advanced search filters – so if your heart is set on finding that special someone then paying up might just be worth it!

That said, prices aren’t exactly competitive when compared with other dating sites out there; in fact they’re pretty average at best. So while Mobifriends isn’t going to break the bank or leave your wallet feeling empty – don’t expect any miracles either! All things considered though, I’d say this site gives good value for money overall…so why not give it a go?

Plan Price Features
Free 0 Create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, send messages
Plus 4.99/month All free features plus: advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, read receipts, see who has viewed your profile
Premium 9.99/month All Plus features plus: view who likes you, priority customer service, hide your profile from searches

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Mobifriends include OkCupid, Tinder, and Match.com – all of which are popular dating sites that offer a variety of features for users looking to meet someone special.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to find a romantic partner.
  • Best for those who are new to the dating scene and want an easy way to meet people.
  • Best for individuals seeking meaningful connections with like-minded people.


1. Is Mobifriends legit?

Yes, Mobifriends is a legit dating site. It’s easy to use and has plenty of users, so you’re likely to find someone who interests you. However, there are better options out there if you want more features or higher quality matches.

2. How does Mobifriends website work?

Mobifriends is a decent dating site that allows you to search for potential matches and connect with them. It’s easy to use, but it doesn’t have as many features or users as some of the other top sites out there. Overall, Mobifriends can be an okay choice if you’re looking for someone special online.

3. Does Mobifriends have a mobile app?

Yes, Mobifriends does have a mobile app. It’s not the most user-friendly though and it can be slow at times. I’d recommend looking into other dating apps if you’re wanting to find someone quickly!

4. How long does it take to have my profile approved on Mobifriends?

It usually takes a few hours to get your profile approved on Mobifriends. It’s not the quickest dating site out there, but it is reliable and secure. I wouldn’t say it’s my first choice for online dating, but if you’re looking for something quick and easy then this could be an option worth considering.

Charles Orlando

Charles Orlando is an online dating expert and passionate writer. He has been writing reviews on the best dating sites and apps for years, helping others find their perfect match. Charles' journey to becoming a successful author began when he was in college studying psychology at Harvard University. After graduating with honors, Charles went on to pursue his dream of being a relationship coach by getting certified as a professional life coach from the International Coaching Federation (ICF). He soon realized that there were so many people out there who needed help navigating through all of the complexities involved in finding love online—from creating profiles to messaging potential matches—and decided it would be beneficial if someone could provide them with useful advice about which websites or apps they should use based off personal experience. That's when Charles set out on his mission: To become an authority figure within this space and share what he had learned along the way with anyone willing to listen! Today, after several years spent researching different platforms while offering helpful tips via blog posts or articles published across various outlets like Forbes Magazine or The Huffington Post, Charles continues striving towards making sure everyone finds success within their own romantic endeavors - no matter how daunting it may seem initially! His passion for helping those seeking companionship never fades; something made evident every time one reads another review written by him filled not only knowledge but also empathy & understanding .

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